Rhinology Clinical Research

The MUSC Sinus Center

The MUSC Sinus Center is actively involved in chronic sinusitis research with a two-pronged goal of 1) Better understanding WHY people get chronic sinusitis and 2) Evaluating NEW, promising TREATMENTS for chronic sinusitis. The strength of this research is the union of clinical and laboratory research, through the combined efforts of Drs. Schlosser, Soler, and Mulligan (explore Dr. Mulligan’s Lab). Through these efforts our hope is to provide cutting edge insight and treatment for those continuing to suffer with chronic sinus problems. Support for this research comes from multiple sources including the National Institutes of Health, private foundations, industry partners, and even private donors. Over the last five years, the Sinus Center has received several million dollars in grant support and published well over a hundred scientific articles contributing to the field. These results are presented several times a year at national and international meetings.

Clinically, our division is investigating how sinus disease impacts sleep, cognitive function and ability to concentrate and mood, as well as effects upon sense of smell and asthma control. We are also studying novel intraoperative therapies and postoperative treatments that will improve wound healing, speed the recovery process and aid in control of sinusitis. A number of these are FDA linked investigations available only at select centers around the country.

Nearly every patient we see with chronic sinusitis is eligible to participate in one way or another. In some instances, this simply requires answering specific questions as to one’s condition. In other instances, patients may elect to enroll in a clinical trial evaluating a new medication or treatment strategy. Participating in these studies is always voluntary, but can give patients access to promising medications and devices which are not yet available anywhere else.

Ongoing Research Studies

Title: Olfactory-specific inflammation and disease severity in chronic rhinosinusitis
Major Goal: The goal of this study is to determine whether local cytokine profiles correlate with objective olfactory function in patients with CRS and whether olfactory-specific disease severity measures better correlate with objective olfactory function than existing CRS-specific measures.

Title: Determinants of Medical and Surgical Treatment Outcomes in Chronic Sinusitis
Major Goal: The goal of this study is to evaluate and compare quality-of-life and olfactory outcomes of sinus surgery versus medical management for sinusitis and to develop a predictive model of surgical outcomes utilizing a multi-institutional, prospective cohort of patients with CRS undergoing those treatments.

Source: Intersect
Title: Use of Resolve drug eluting stent in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
Major Goal: This study is investigating a biodegradable stent that is placed into the sinuses and slowly secretes steroid to the surrounding tissue. The goal is to decrease recurrence of polyps after sinus surgery.

Source: Optinose
Title: Use of Optinose steroid delivery device in chronic rhinosinusitis
Major Goal: This study is investigating a novel device that is currently approved for use in Europe to more effectively deliver steroids to the sinus cavity and alleviate symptoms of CRS.

Source: Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute (FAMRI)
Title: Secondhand smoke, cognition, and chronic rhinosinusitis
Major Goal: The goal of this cross-sectional study is to determine the impact of second-hand smoke on cognitive function in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis.

Source: Veterans Administration
Title: Nanoparticle Coupled Antioxidants for Respiratory Illness in Veterans
Major Goal: This project will examine novel methods of topical drug delivery for environmental insults suffered by our Veterans with CRS.

Source: Flight Attendants Medical Research Institute, Inc.
Title: Smoke impaired epithelial function in sinusitis
Major Goal: This project is examining the impact of smoke exposure upon vitamin D mediated epithelial cell function in CRS.