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Judit Jimenez Sainz PhD

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  • Assistant Professor
  • College of Medicine
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Academic Focus
  • DNA repair proteins and their variants
  • Regulation of cellular localization of BRCA proteins
  • Cancer risk and targeted therapies
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Dr. Judit Jimenez Sainz is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Dr. Jimenez Sainz received a BSc and Master (Hons) in Biology and Biochemistry from the University of Valencia in 2007 and was award summa cum laude international merit Ph.D. in Biotechnology in 2012 from the University of Valencia and University College London. She did her postdoctoral training at Yale School of Medicine, and she became research ladder faculty in 2018 in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology. In 2022, Dr. Jimenez Sainz was awarded a Lion Heart Cancer Fund award and the CRIS Cancer fellowship as a visiting researcher in Dr. Juan Mendez’ laboratory at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). Dr. Jimenez Sainz has more than 10 years of experience in projects carried out with the molecular biology of cancer and is the author of seminal studies in high-impact journals such as eLife, Nature, Molecular Cell, and Cell Reports. She has mentored more than 20 students and has directed several research projects. During her time at Yale, she was a Branford College Fellow, an elected representative of Associate Research Scientists in the Faculty Advisory Council of the Yale Medical School Dean’s Office, and a former coordinator of Community and Networking for the Yale Postdoctoral Association. Dr. Jimenez Sainz founded the Research in Progress Seminars to promote collaboration and sharing of scientific process and discoveries in her department. She is a former president of the Spanish Association of Scientists in USA (ECUSA, 2021-2023), a former president of the Spanish Network of Scientists Abroad (RAICEX, 2021) and co-chair of the Science Policy and Talent Attraction commission in RAICEX.

Dr. Jimenez Sainz's research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms of breast and ovarian cancers due to mutations in DNA repair proteins. Dr. Jimenez Sainz is an active member of the Biochemistry Society, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), New York Academy of Sciences Genome Integrity Discussion Group, MIT DNA Repair and Mutagenesis Group, Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM), guest editor of Frontier in Genetics (2020-2022) and serves as an ad hoc reviewer for numerous journals within the DNA repair and Cancer Biology fields.