Graudates at a commencement ceremony sitting in their colorful regalia.

Graduation at MUSC

The Medical University of South Carolina works diligently to offer a memorable commencement exercise for our graduates. We are excited to share the plans for our 195th Commencement Ceremony.

Saturday, May 17, 2025
10:00 AM ET

North Charleston Coliseum
5001 Coliseum Drive
North Charleston, SC 29418

Join Us Live

Our commencement ceremony will be streamed live on YouTube to accommodate those unable to attend the event in person. Click here on the day of the event.

The safety of our students, faculty and staff remains the number one priority. All events will be conducted in accordance with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for social distancing and mask usage, and all plans are contingent upon COVID-19 conditions and public health regulations at that time.

Parking & Directions

Ample parking is available including the new parking deck located adjacent to the Convention Center. For directions to the North Charleston Coliseum, visit their directions page here:

Accessibility Parking

Accessible parking spaces are available in the parking lots surrounding the North Charleston Coliseum, Performing Arts Center, Montague Terrace, and the Charleston Area Convention Center. Vehicles that park in designated accessible parking spaces must display a temporary hang tag or have a permanent state license plate with the accessible parking notations. All parking in the accessible parking lots is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Event Decorum

The commencement ceremony is undeniably important to each graduate, their guests, the faculty, and the University's special guests. To preserve the proper degree of dignity that this highly academic occasion warrants, the Deans of the Colleges, the University Provost, and the President request that all attendees refrain from interrupting the ceremony with inappropriate expressions. By refraining from disrupting the ceremony, attendees will allow the awarding of degrees to progress rapidly and with dignity. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Clear Bag Policy

The North Charleston Coliseum has a Clear Bag Policy for this event. We ask that all graduates refrain from bringing personal items that will not fit in their pockets as there is no place to store them during the event (e.g., purses, cameras, hangers, umbrellas). All guests should review the details of North Charleston Coliseum's Clear Bag Policy ahead of the event.


To inform the graduates and their parents about photos at the upcoming Commencement ceremony, GradImages has developed a new preregistration system that allows the graduates and their parents to provide their email and mailing address information to GradImages before the ceremony. They can add up to 6 family members' contact information to help share the good news and the photos.

Graduates can preregister their email address and the addresses of friends and family. GradImages will contact them when their photos are available for online viewing and ordering. To register, visit GradImages at:

Graduate Information


All University Commencement communications will be delivered via your MUSC email and primary phone numbers from the commencement software, Marching Order.

Ceremony Participation

Students may complete degree requirements at the end of the spring, summer, or fall semester, although the university conducts only one graduation ceremony held in May. Students completing their requirements in May are expected to participate in the May ceremony. Student fees are used to pay for one diploma, mailing/handling, and related Commencement activities. Students are expected to file one Commencement Application Form for graduation with the Office of Enrollment Management (OEM) the semester before the candidate's final semester. This form is also used to order the graduate's regalia and diploma.


MUSC does not conduct a rehearsal prior to Commencement day.


Candidates should arrive no later than 9:00 AM ET at the North Charleston Coliseum East Entrance under the skywalk in their academic regalia (mortarboard cap or tam, gown, hood, and tassel). Graduates will check in to receive a seating card with their position identified by their name and number. Staff on hand will direct graduates to their seats. Entrance to the Coliseum floor will be closed 15 minutes before the ceremony, so please plan to arrive on time.

Academic Regalia

The academic costume comprises a black gown of the appropriate degree level, a mortarboard cap, a hood, and a tassel. The MUSC inside hood color is black and gold, while the outside trim is associated with the degree awarded. Only one hood may be worn. For combined degrees, the color of the higher degree is worn. MUSC Honor Cords will also be worn as awarded by the College and University. We do not permit any supplementary ornamentation to the Academic Regalia, although doctorate candidates may wear a tam if they purchase one at their own expense. Please be advised that you will be walking across the coliseum, up and down ramps/stairs, and across the stage.


Diplomas are mailed to August and December graduates in the month following completion of requirements but are presented to May graduates during the Commencement ceremony. Graduates who do not attend the event may pick up their diplomas from the Office of Enrollment Management on the Monday after Commencement. The Diploma is printed on an 11-inch by 14-inch landscape paper.

Announcements, Class Rings, & Diploma Frames

Graduates may order their official MUSC graduation announcements, class ring, and diploma frame from Jostens at Graduates may visit the Office of Student Programs at the Harper Student Center, SW213, to view samples.

Student Holds

If you have an outstanding student hold, you will receive your diploma cover when you cross the stage; however, your actual diploma will not be available on the day of the event. It will be mailed once all of your requirements have been fulfilled.

NetIDs & MUSC Email Address

Your MUSC email account will remain active for approximately 60 days after your last day as an MUSC student, except for current employees and those hired by MUSC or MUSC Health during this period.

We recommend that you prepare now so that you do not lose any valuable emails, contacts, documents, etc. Please transfer all personal data and files to a more permanent repository. If you activated your phone or other device using your MUSC email address, you will need to change your account settings to ensure your important contacts are retained before your email is deactivated. Once your email account is deactivated, it will not be reactivated.


Official transcripts that you have already ordered will be mailed out as soon as your degree is posted (usually the week after graduation). Remember that effective immediately after you graduate, the cost of transcripts is $20.00 per paper copy and $10.00 per electronic copy. Free paper copies are provided to enrolled students if your request is received prior to your date of graduation. To order transcripts, visit the Student Portal at

College-Specific Events

Diploma Information

Verify Your Diploma Immediately

Check the spelling of your name and the degree received. The diploma directly reflects information you provided on your degree application. Subsequent changes in your name are made only when legal proof supports your request. There is a cost of $50.00 for replacement diplomas and a waiting period of up to 30 days. The Diploma is 11 inches by 14 inches printed landscape.

Copying Before Framing

Before you frame your diploma, find a business that can copy large documents, and have several copies made. You may want to get some reduced copies; then have them notarized as true copies. This will save a lot of grief in years to come, especially if you are being licensed. Many states require exact copies of diplomas (reduced will do in many cases) and you don't know the meaning of "problem" until you try copying a large diploma that has been laminated on mahogany! The Medical University does not provide duplicate copies unless you can provide evidence that the original has been destroyed.

Diploma Fees

The cost of the diploma is included as part of student fees. This cost is non-refundable.

There is a $50 fee for amended diplomas. An amended diploma is when the original diploma that was ordered must be modified and reprinted because one or more of the following is true:

  1. because the student was unable to complete all degree requirements by the date stipulated on their degree application and a reprint must be ordered;
  2. because the student gave the wrong degree date or degree type on their degree application;
  3. because the student misspelled their name(s) on the degree application or wish to make a change to their name;
  4. because of any other change within the control of the student.

Note: There is no charge to the student when an amended diploma must be ordered due to an error made by the University or in the process of manufacturing the diploma.

There is a $50 fee for a replacement diploma when the original diploma was lost, destroyed or there was a legal name change. Persons requesting a replacement diploma must complete a Diploma Request Form which must be notarized and provide reasonable proof that the original was lost or destroyed. Requests for diploma replacements for deceased alumni by a spouse or child will be considered if accompanied by the written request noted above, an explanation of the circumstances, a death certificate and/or obituary, and documentation of the relationship. MUSC reserves the right to determine whether such a replacement is possible and appropriate.

Note: All replacement diplomas will carry the name and date of the original degree, but signatures will be those of current officials of the University.

Unofficial or Souvenir Diplomas

Soon, the University will offer an unofficial (or souvenir) copy of the MUSC diploma. Unofficial diplomas are $25 each and measure 8 x 10. Unofficial diplomas are meant to be used as extra copies, gifts, multiple office displays, licensure or employment purposes, and international degree verification.

Currently, students completing a degree application can order up to five copies of the unofficial diploma along with their regalia and official 11 x 14 copy. Alumni will be able to order unofficial copies of their diplomas via the link below.

Order Souvenir Diplomas

All unofficial copies are mailed directly to the address provided by the student or alumnus on the request form.

Guest Information

Guest Seating

There are no tickets issued to guests. Seating is provided on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the Coliseum, except for areas designated for VIP and disabled guests. Guests may not access the arena floor.

Accessible Seating for Disabled Guests

Accessible seating is available throughout the North Charleston Coliseum. The accessible entrance to the Coliseum is located on the south side off of Montague Avenue. Seating in these areas is designated exclusively for guests with accessible requirements.

Faculty Information

MUSC faculty are invaluable in making the commencement ceremony a truly special and memorable occasion. For full details and to confirm participation, find additional details on the Faculty Horseshoe site.