Behavioral Support Intervention Team group photo, on campus behind Drug Discovery Building at MUSC


Submit a Concern

If there are concerns regarding a student’s own safety or the safety of others, please submit a form to BSIT.

BSIT Cares is a set of resources that have been established to protect the health and safety of our community at MUSC.  Maintaining a safe environment allows students to focus on their education and get the most out of their time at the University.

If there are concerns regarding a student’s own safety or the safety of others, please Submit a form to BSIT.

Behavioral Support Intervention Team (BSIT)

The BSIT is designed to reach out to students who seem to be hurting or struggling, and to help maintain a safe campus by intervening when potential red flag behaviors are identified.  Reporting issues of concern can assist the BSIT in connecting students with the appropriate resources.

Being a student presents a host of challenges.  Sometimes those challenges can result in a student needing help in difficult times.  The BSIT works with students who need assistance with issues ranging from classroom disruption to threats of self-harm or harm to others. 

You can help keep MUSC safe.  Recognize.  Respond.  Refer.  Report.


Be familiar with and acknowledge symptoms of distress.


Privately initiate contact with a student displaying symptoms of distress.  Express your concerns in behavioral, non-judgmental terms and listen to the student in a sensitive, non-threatening way. This action should then be followed by contacting any of the following BSIT members.


Know your limits as a help-giver; only go as far as your expertise, training, and resources allow.  When a student needs more help than you are able or willing to give, it is time to make a referral. You may suggest the student contact:

  • Counseling & Psychological Services                   843-792-4930
  • Student Health Services                                          843-792-3664


Report your concerns and actions taken with a student to the BSIT by contacting a BSIT team member. If there are concerns regarding student’s own safety or the safety of other students, we encourage you to make an immediate report. Contact BSIT.

Public Safety

Public Safety is responsible for creating and assuring a safe, orderly, and secure environment.  If you have immediate danger concerns or in an emergency situation. Call 911 or contact Public Safety at 843-792-4196 or through the LiveSafe app.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPs) is responsible for providing assessment, counseling, workshops, group and couples therapy, consultation and referrals. For more information about CAPS contact 843-792-4930.

Office of Federal and State Compliance

The Office of Federal & State Compliance ensures compliance with all applicable federal and state civil rights laws, including but not limited to Section 504, Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, and Section 1557. Contact the Office of Federal & State Compliance to report a complaint of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, or any other civil rights violation.