CLARION Case Competition

CLARION case competition, student working together at a table

Why compete in CLARION?

Young woman speaking to camera

To work with students from other programs. To gain major insight into real-world health care issues. To earn elective course credit. To gain public speaking skills. To win prize money. To develop team skills. To stand out in the crowd!

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The CLARION case competition is an annual competition in which students from different disciplines work as four-person teams to research, analyze, conduct a root cause analysis, and form recommendations related to an extensive real-world healthcare case. This team attends the national CLARION competition in Minneapolis, Minnesota April 11-12, 2025.


The CLARION competition provides students opportunity to gain a 360-degree perspective on patient safety in today’s health care system and how it might be improved. Students investigate real solutions to real health care problems.


Complete the MUSC Clarion Competition Team survey by Friday, November 15, 2024. Students will interview with Interprofessional Initiative faculty. The final team members will be selected based upon team composition (to ensure a robust IP representation), interview results, and program approval. If there is compelling student interest, there is the potential to have a local MUSC competition between different interprofessional student teams. The winner of the local MUSC competition would be sent to the national Clarion competition.

You may also contact Lisa Langdale or Dusti Annan Coultas . Program approval required for participation in elective course.

All team membership will be finalized by December 13, 2024. Kick-off meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2025. The meeting will provide the MUSC team (4 students) direction and background to prepare for the national competition in April.


The MUSC CLARION team will compete at the national competition in Minneapolis, Minnesota April 11-12, 2025.

Prize money:

Winners of the national competition will earn

  • 1st place: $7,500 team scholarship
  • 2nd place: $5,000 team scholarship
  • 3rd place: $2,500 team scholarship

IP Elective Course Credit:

Students can earn course credit (IP 713: CLARION Case Competition) by participating in CLARION.

Want to talk more?

Contact Lisa Langdale or Dusti Annan Coultas.