Guide to Report a Violation

For questions about a suspected violation of academic dishonesty to the MUSC Honor Code, contact the Honor Council following the process below:

It is imperative that those not directly involved in the process (i.e., Provost, Deans, Program Chairs, Program Directors) remain neutral to mitigate any potential bias or procedural error.

Discussing the case with anyone outside the process may lead to an appeal and/or other actions. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance.

Resolution of Reported Violations

General Principles

  1. All participants in the Honor Code process shall maintain confidentiality to the maximum extent possible.
  2. Proceedings are not adversarial, and shall be conducted in a manner that preserves the educational tone of the proceedings and furthers the purposes of the Honor Code.
  3. The Student in Question is presumed not to have committed a violation.
  4. All reported violations of the Honor Code should be resolved promptly.
  5. The Honor Council shall take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of bias or impropriety.


  1. Report of infraction is received.
  2. Formal hearing panel appointments are made.
  3. Student in question is notified.
  4. Investigation takes place.
  5. Reasonable cause conference.
  6. Formal hearing for determination phase and sanctions phase.
  7. Appeal process may take place.