FeedbackFruits Pilot

Lemon slice with upside down "U" on top, FeedbackFruits 2023 Pilot

An Integrated Tool Suite

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning is currently working alongside a dedicated team from FeedbackFruits to pilot their tools within Brightspace. The pilot will run through the Spring ‘24 semester across all colleges.

Pilot approach

We will implement a liaison approach, strategically collaborating with the educational technology staff and faculty representatives from each college, we also will be partnering one administrative office. Training sessions are geared toward the pilot cohort but will be open to all interested faculty and staff and will also be recorded.

I am so excited about Feedback Fruits It was incredibly easy to apply the interactivity on the PDF reading. It quickly provided easy discussion for students. It gave me confidence that the student actually read through and applied the knowledge. I can’t wait for the interaction between students once others get to this piece in the course.

Elizabeth C. Gumbiner, M.Ed., Director of Student Financial Literacy

Elizabeth C. Gumbiner

FeedbackFruits Trainings

Recordings of past trainings with MUSC and the FeedbackFruits Team for Faculty and EdTechs.

Selected Use Cases

Examine comparable uses of Feedback Fruits

If you are interested in learning more or have any questions about this initiative, please reach out to us by emailing