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Interactive Content Program

H5P is a university wide content tool integrated within our LMS system, D2L Brightspace, to seamlessly enhance teaching and learning. H5P makes it easy to create interactive content by providing a range of content types for a variety of needs.

Accessing H5P

Due the nature of the integration between H5P and Brightspace, we need to access H5P first through Brightspace. Completing the steps below will generate an H5P account for the user.

  1. Within a Brightspace course module, select “Upload/Create”.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select “Create a File”.
  3. Using the “Insert Stuff” icon from the tool bar, navigate to “H5P”.

Once this is completed, then users will be able to access their H5P account at


College Level Contacts

College of Dental Medicine: Kristin Powers

College of Graduate Studies: Matthew Greseth

College of Health Professions: Ragan DuBose-Morris

College of Medicine: COM Ed. Tech Team

College of Nursing: Nursing Technology Center

College of Pharmacy: Lindsey Fuller