Teaching Online

CATL Course Offerings

MUSC faculty in auditorium listening to a female speaker

CATL offers various sessions and series throughout the year including Foundations in Teaching and Learning, Fundamentals of Digital Accessibility, and Foundations in Quality Online Instruction. Each of these series offers special focus for the pedagogy and technology to teach online.

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Instructional Design Resources

Course Delivery Modes

The far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic globally are undeniable. However, the pandemic has also provided education with a unique opportunity to grow and develop. In the past year, the development and adoption of a multitude of learning strategies and course delivery models has grown exponentially, as educators all around the world grapple with delivering instruction within the confines of the pandemic restrictions.

As education progresses in a post-pandemic period of re-integration and reduced restrictions, educators can explore how their courses can develop within this new education framework.  As we consider what would be best for our teaching, we also need to consider what would be best for our learners. The course delivery mode can impact course success if it is not properly selected and introduced within the course. We have broken down course delivery modes into three sections to focus in responses:

  1. Traditional/Face-to-face
  2. Blended
  3. Online

To further assist in the decision-making process, a matrix has also been developed based on six key course considerations to help recommend the most suitable course delivery mode for your course!

Additional Resources

  • Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A. (2013). The flipped classroom: A survey of the research. In ASEE National Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA.
  • HyFlex Learning (Teaching in Higher Ed)
  • Keramidas, C. G. (2012). Are Undergraduate Students Ready For Online Learning? A Comparison Of Online And Face-To-Face Sections Of A Course. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31(4), 25–32.
  • Lee, N.H. (2016). Instructional Design for a Web-Enhanced Course in Construction Engineering and Management Education. 47th ASC Annual International Conference Proceedings.
  • Moser, K. M., Wei, T., & Brenner, D. (2021). Remote teaching during COVID-19: Implications from a national survey of language educators. System, 97. doi:10.1016/j.system.2020.102431
  • Thomas M Brinthaupt, Maria A Clayton, Paula T Calahan, & Barbara J. Draude. (2014). How Should I Offer This Course? The Course Delivery Decision Model (CDDM). Journal Of Online Learning And Teaching, 10(2), 326–.

Digital Accessibility in the Online Environment

Blackboard Ally is built into Open LMS to help create a more accessible learning environment by increasing awareness and providing detailed insights and guidance on improving content accessibility. The Division of Organizational Engagement & Excellence is working to ensure accessibility and a supportive learning experience in virtual environments. Visit the Digital Accessibility page for more information and guidance for digital learning environments. Additionally, they also provide more information on ADA Resources.

Facilitating Effective Online Discussions

Online Assessments