Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a research-based approach focused on improving student learning through systematic inquiry and public dissemination of findings. At MUSC, we are building a robust infrastructure to support and advance SoTL, ensuring our educators and learners benefit from evidence-based teaching practices.

Message from Our Provost

Hear directly from Lisa K. Saladin, PT, Ph.D., FAPTA, about MUSC's dedication to supporting and expanding SOTL initiatives.

SOTL Infrastructure Blueprint

To elevate educational scholarship at MUSC, two Education Innovation Advocates ( Jennifer N. Wisniewski, PharmD, BCPS, and Christine Andresen MLS, MSIT) partnered with the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL), formerly known as Instructional Technology and Faculty Resources (ITFR) to create a SoTL Infrastructure Blueprint. This blueprint focuses on building a solid foundation that enables faculty to engage in SoTL activities with greater ease and support, setting MUSC on a path to becoming a local, regional, and national leader in scholarly teaching.

Key steps in our blueprint include:

  • Enhanced Infrastructure: Initiatives to clarify and bolster the SoTL support systems across MUSC.
  • Learning Community Creation: A campus-wide SoTL Learning Community has been established, providing a collaborative space with representation from over 38 members spanning various departments and colleges.

Innovation Week poster by Jennifer Wisniewski, Creating an Infrastructure for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 
For full-size view

SOTL Resource Library

CATL partnered with the MUSC Libraries to create a SoTL LibGuide, a comprehensive collection of resources designed to support faculty at every stage of their SoTL journey. Visit the LibGuide to explore curated articles, tools, and strategies for effective teaching and learning research.

Topics include:

Icon of light bulb, pencil, and ruler in front of a page

Access the SOTL LibGuide

The purpose of this guide is to gather SoTL resources at MUSC and MUSC Libraries so that faculty will have a starting place for SoTL projects.

View Guide

Learn and Get Involved

Every Spring Semester CATL has a program offering related to SoTL.