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Centrally Scheduled Rooms

Centrally Scheduled rooms/spaces are those used to support the mission of the University, to include academic courses and student focused events, training sessions, grand rounds, and institutionally supported meetings and conferences encompassing medical education and community health. Only events of these types are permitted. The Medical University of South Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning (CATL), provides audio/visual (AV) and scheduling support for rooms under the auspices of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost. A listing of Centrally Scheduled rooms, their availability, scheduling options and guidelines can be found via the 25Live Scheduling system.

Conference Rules and Criteria

Conferences will receive priority scheduling for Fridays. Conference priority is for large spaces on campus and can be reserved up to, but no more than, 12 months in advance. It is required, that a conference organizer/coordinator give at least a 60-day notice and must also provide a brochure of the event. If classes are scheduled on a Friday in a room requested for a conference, the class will be relocated for that day.

Rooms Suitable for Conferences:

  • DDB Auditorium 110
  • BEB Auditorium 110
  • BEB Classroom 112
  • Baruch Auditorium
  • BSB 130

Specific criteria must be met for an event or meeting to be considered a conference since a class may be required to relocate to accommodate a conference. Room rental fees will apply to all conferences for maintenance and clean-up of the space. Conferences will incur fees per days of usage.

Fees are as follows:

  • $500 for large space/$200 small space all on a per day basis.

A permitted conference is defined as any event meeting the following criteria:

  1. Attendees coming from out of town
  2. Attendees paying to attend or organizer paying a speaker to attend
  3. Conference duration of at least 7 hours
  4. Expected attendance of at least 75% of requested room capacity
  5. A legal “Release of Liability” contract must be signed by an MUSC college or departmental liaison taking full, legal assumption of risk, for the event. (see Appendix I) 

Conference Rules and Liability Waiver

Central Audio/Visual Support

Audio/Visual (A/V) support for the classrooms is available during the work hours of 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. In case of emergencies, a classroom hotline is available at 843-792-9000. For conferences, if an A/V technician is needed to remain in the room throughout the conference, a fee of $75/hour must be paid via IIT or check to MUSC ITFR. For after hour and weekend conferences, an A/V technician may provide support for $150/hour, dependent upon their availability.

For questions or issues contact:

Damon Amella
Director of Classroom Technology
Office of Instructional Technology & Faculty Resources