Expectations for MUSC Nursing Alumni Council members

The role of the MUSC Nursing Alumni Council is to actively support the mission of the MUSC College of Nursing Alumni Association – engaging, connecting, and celebrating alumni – for the purpose of engaging constituents in the further advancement of the MUSC College of Nursing and the alumni association.

In order to be considered for initial or continuing membership on the MUSC Nursing Alumni Council, a potential nominee and/or director shall, in good faith, endeavor to meet the following standards:

  1. Be informed about the association’s vision, mission, goals, programs, and services, including a working knowledge of the association’s bylaws and policies.
  2. Meeting attendance
    1. Regularly attend and come prepared for meetings.
    2. Attend, in person or by teleconference, at least two regular council meetings each year. Exceptions require a written excuse from the president.
  3. Committee meetings
    1. Serve on an appointed committee.
    2. Attend regular committee meetings or teleconferences, and any additional meetings deemed necessary by the committee chair.
    3. Stay current on committee actions.
  4. Provide nominations
    1. Recommend and nominate worthy alumni for the receipt of awards and/or service on university/auxiliary committees, boards, or councils.
  5. Confidentiality
    1. Maintain the confidential nature of executive session deliberations.
    2. Do not act as spokesperson for the council unless specifically authorized to do so.
  6. Voting
    1. Vote according to one’s individual conviction.
    2. Challenge the judgment of others when necessary, but work with a spirit of cooperation and defer to council’s decision.
    3. Recognize that council officers alone speak for the council.
  7. Advocacy
    1. Be an advocate of MUSC and the MUSC College of Nursing Alumni Association.
    2. Encourage fellow alumni and friends to attend alumni events.
    3. Act in the best interests of the association, and excuse yourself from discussions and votes where a conflict of interest exists.
  8. Financial
    1. Receive no compensation for your service as a member of the board.
    2. Agree to pay your own expenses incurred in attending regular board meetings and alumni association activities.
    3. Support the college’s fundraising efforts.
  9. Advising the Office of Alumni Affairs
    1. The Office of Alumni Affairs manages day-to-day alumni programming and represents former students and friends as part of the university’s decision-making processes. It is the role of the council to provide advice and input to Alumni Affairs and other university officials with respect to increasing alumni involvement and leveraging their collective talents and resources. The council president will relay all communications from the board to the Office of Alumni Affairs.
  10. Representing and interacting with constituency
    1. The MUSC Nursing Alumni Council comprises alumni from the MUSC College of Nursing.
    2. Members are expected to communicate regularly with their constituencies, share information with alumni, distribute alumni association updates through appropriate channels, and act as an advocate and champion of MUSC.
  11. Serving as formal and informal representatives of the MUSC College of Nursing
    1. The MUSC College of Nursing Alumni Association and its council members serve as the collective voice of persons who have attended or in other ways supported the university. This role takes place both formally and informally through interaction with students, faculty, administrators, and external parties.
    2. Members are chosen for their real-world experience and are expected to lend their expertise toward advancing the goals of Alumni Affairs, the alumni association, and the college in general.
  12. Supporting the alumni association and other university programs
    1. Members of the council are drawn from graduates of the college who have been actively involved and supported alumni programs in a variety of forms. Members are expected to sustain or increase their commitment to such initiatives. These include but are not limited to the following:
      1. Attending and recruiting attendees for council-supported events.
      2. Regional programs.
      3. Attending and representing the council during annual alumni homecoming events.
      4. Supporting Alumni Affairs initiatives and activities.
      5. Development.