Reporting Units

The following University Offices report to the Office of the Provost:

Advancement, Recruitment, & Retention of Women (ARROW)

The College of Medicine has established a center supported by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for the advancement of women scientists. The Center for ARROWS (Advancement, Recruitment, and Retention of Women Scientists) will provide programs and supports specifically for female PhD scientists or similar female faculty focused on research.

Assistant Provost for Finance and Administration

Under the auspices of the Provost, the Assistant Provost for Finance and Administration provides decision-support and strategic business analytics to the six colleges of the University, as well as auxiliary units under the purview of the Provost.

Associate Provost for Education Innovation and Student Life

The Division of Education Innovation and Student Life unites six healthcare colleges within one university. The mission is to provide the training and education support that our future healthcare leaders, researchers, and providers will need to serve in an ever-changing healthcare system.

Associate Provost for Educational Planning and Effectiveness

The Associate Provost for Educational Planning & Effectiveness leads work in continuous quality improvement and the university’s ability to demonstrate accountability for outcomes in its education mission. She also represents the Provost in education partnerships with other colleges and universities. Two offices report to the associate provost: Office of Enrollment Management and Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

Center for Global Health

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Center for Global Health, reporting to the Office of the Provost, is a university-wide initiative to bring global efforts under one umbrella to advance the global vision of MUSC and to serve as a catalyst for the innovative work of our faculty and students.

Center on for Healthy Aging

Under the leadership of Interim Director, Dr. Heather Boger, the Center on Aging is committed promoting health, longevity, and improving the quality of life for South Carolina's seniors.

Hollings Cancer Center

The only National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Center in South Carolina, Hollings is at the forefront of cancer research. This research is the driving force behind delivering medical advances to patients and their families, enabling us to educate health care professionals and the public, and to establish outreach services for underserved populations.

MUSC Libraries

The Library supports the creation of new knowledge, the education of health professionals, lifelong learning, and timely access to information, informed health care decisions, as well as preserving the historical record of the Campus and health professions in South Carolina.

Office of Humanities

The health (or medical) humanities is an interdisciplinary field of study in which the arts, humanities, and social sciences are applied to issues of health and health care.


The MUSC Faculty Ombuds Office provides a free faculty service that is an impartial, independent, confidential, and informal option for resolution of puzzling or troublesome issues faced by faculty. An ombudsperson is a neutral person who can assist in resolving concerns and disputes in an informal, confidential, impartial manner.

Vice President for Research

The Medical University of South Carolina is dedicated to engaging community members in all aspects of the research process. Research and discovery programs at MUSC promote health, reduce the risk of illness and disease, and build community resilience.