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Conference 2023

Connect with faculty and staff from MUSC, College of Charleston, and the Citadel to learn from national and local experts about supporting student well-being on our campuses. Leah Finch, Senior Campus Advisor at The Jed Foundation in New York City and Adjunct Faculty at New York University, will share her experiences and expertise as a mental health consultant, therapist, and educator. Other presentation topics focus on using social media to educate students about available resources, making internal and external community connections, and legal issues regarding mental health events and accommodations. A student-led panel discussion offers insight into the needs of students and how university/college faculty, administrators, and staff can best support students.

The event is being held in the MUSC Bioengineering Building, which is located at 68 President Street, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Refreshments and lunch are included. Registration is required and limited to 120 participants. Registration is on a first come first served basis.

Full Agenda

Time Description
8:30-9:00 am Meet and Greet Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:15 am Welcome
9:15-10:15 am Keynote Address: Student Well-being and Saving Lives: The Status of Student Mental Health in Higher Education
Leah Finch, JED Foundation Senior Advisor
10:15-10:35 am Break with light refreshments
10:35-11:05 am Gaining Student Buy-in Through Social Media
Rachel McNamara, MA
Health Educator, Counseling Center, College of Charleston
11:05-11:55 am Community Connections: Best Practices with Internal and External
Alice Libet, Ph.D., Director, Counseling & Psychological Services, MUSC
Sharlene Wedin, Ph.D., Chair, Behavioral Support & Intervention Team, MUSC
Jennifer Wray, Ph.D., Supervisory Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Ralph Johnson VA and MUSC Military Sciences Division, Citadel
Marcie Weisman, Director of Counseling, Citadel
Ann Osatsky, Director Of Disability Services
12:00-12:30 pm Lunch
12:30-1:15 pm Student Health Panel: Heart it Directly from the Source
College of Charleston, Citadel, and MUSC Students
1:15-2:15 pm Legal Hot Topics in Health Education
Leah Finch, LMHC, Senior Campus Advisor, The Jed Foundation
Vivian Fairbairn, JD, Assistant General Counsel, Legal Affairs, MUSC
Carrie Cottingham, Associate Counsel, Legal Affairs, MUSC
2:25-2:30 pm Wrap-up & Evaluation


Medical University of South Carolina

Bioengineering Sciences Building (BSB)

Room 110

MUSC Campus map 

The Bioengineering Building is on the corner of Jonathan Lucas and President.


Rate: $1.50/hour

Jonathan Lucas Garage (closest to Bioengineering Building)

97 Jonathan Lucas St, Charleston, SC

(Entrance is located at President & Jonathan Lucas)

Ashley/Rutledge Parking Garage

158 Ashley Ave, Charleston, SC

(Entrances are located on both Ashley and Rutledge Avenues)

MUSC Campus Map 


Registration is required and limited to 120 participants. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

Register now (link to Microsoft Form – working on this)

Conference Outcomes

  • Define the current mental health crisis occurring in students in institutions of higher education.
  • Discuss how social media is an accepted way to disseminate student resource information.
  • Identify campus and community resources that support students experiencing mental health challenges.
  • Review challenges related to mental health events and need for accommodations.
  • Listen to students sharing what is most helpful to them in addressing their mental health and well-being on campus.

About the Presenters

Leah Finch

Leah is a Senior Campus Advisor at The Jed Foundation in New York City, where she guides colleges and universities across the country through a collaborative assessment and strategic planning process to build upon existing student mental health, substance misuse, and suicide prevention efforts. She is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in the states of New York and North Carolina, and teaches counseling graduate students as an adjunct instructor at New York University. Her background in higher education includes working as a clinical counselor, adjunct professor, and career counselor. She holds a Master of Arts in Counseling from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is a member of the American College Counseling Association and the American College Health Association.