Helpful Links

Division of Organizational Engagement and Excellence

Menten Club: An informal career strategy working group for women faculty in the Basic Sciences, the club's goal is to support the advancement of women pursuing academic careers in the Basic Sciences at MUSC. The Menten Club was founded in 2011 by Dr. Eleanor Spicer, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

Latina Researchers Network

MUSC Gives Back

South Carolina Clinical & Translational Research (SCTR) Institute

MUSC Volunteer Services

Office of Research Development Grant Proposal Library

Parking Assistance for Expectant Employees
When employees are experiencing medical complications or difficulties with their pregnancies and need temporary assistance with personal parking, the MUSC Office of Parking Management is prepared to help. It's as simple as getting your physician to complete a brief form. To apply or for more information, please see the parking assistance for temporarily disabled employees under Additional Parking Options in the Parking Management website.

Guidelines for Use of MUSC Breast Pumping Rooms (login required)

2017 Updates: Officially expanded the availability of lactation rooms from 5 to 12, in 7 downtown buildings and have a standard HR lactation policy in place for all 3 MUSC entities.
University: Application for Mother Friendly status is currently in process.

Suggestions for identifying a convenient room for lactation/breast pumping (PDF)

Center for Women 843-763-7333


Association for Women in Science (AWIS) The MUSC ARROW Initiative funds the MUSC Institutional membership to the Association for Women in Science (AWIS)

2015 Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) Winter Issue: Raising Visibility

GWIMS Watch 2015 Spring Issue: Awards and Recognition

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

ORD Research Funding Alerts

MUSC Office of the Ombudsman

MUSC Employee Assistance Program (login required)

Toastmaster’s International


Salary Equity (PDF)

Promotion Equity (PDF)

Recruitment Equity (PDF)

Negotiation Strategies (PDF)