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Councils & Committees


Provost Council

In 1983, the University Academic Affairs Council was reconfigured into the Deans' Council to facilitate periodic direct meetings between the academic deans and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The academic directors formerly on the Academic Affairs Council (Library, Learning Resources, and Enrollment Services) were appointed in 1987 to the new, but similar, Academic Council. The name was changed to Provost's Council in 2016.

Classifications/Terms of Appointment

University-Level Standing Committee. The Charter shall be reviewed annually in September by the Provost for the determination of continued need and, if continued, necessary revisions or updates of the Charter.

Formal Charges

  1. The Provost's Council shall be the voting authority that makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees on all new academic programs and revisions to existing academic programs.
  2. The Council shall serve as a deliberative body that assesses and votes on new policies or changes in policy that relate to or influence academics, faculty, and/or students.
  3. The Provost's Council shall advise the Provost on any aspects of the academic administration of the Medical University of South Carolina upon request.
  4. The Council will serve as an important mechanism for the communication of information related to the MUSC enterprise that would be of interest to its members (e.g., updates from University Leadership Council).

Reporting Channels/Procedures

The Council shall report directly to and advise the Provost.


Voting Members

Eleven (11) voting members shall consist of the Provost, Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, Dean of the College of Health Professions, Dean of the College of Medicine, Dean of the College of Nursing, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Provost for Education Innovation & Student Life, Associate Provost for Educational Planning & Effectiveness, Vice President for Research, and Chair of the Academic Affairs Faculty. Additional ex officio members of the Council may be appointed at the discretion of the Provost.

Ex Officio Members

The Provost has appointed seven (7) ex officio members consisting of the Director of the Hollings Cancer Center, the Executive Director for the Center for Global Health, the Chief Innovation Officer, the Director of Libraries, the Assistant Provost for Finance & Administration, the Director of Special Projects & Communications, the Faculty Senate President, the Deputy CIO for Academics & Research, and the Executive Director of SC AHEC.

Terms of Office

The term of office for voting members shall be concurrent with their terms of office. All ex officio member appointment terms will be at the discretion of the Provost.


The Provost shall serve as permanent Council Chair.

Frequency of Meetings

The Provost's Council will meet monthly and may meet more often as needed.

Notice of Meetings

Monthly meetings shall be scheduled at least a semester in advance and subsequently confirmed via email within several weeks of each date. Notice of any last-minute cancellations shall be communicated as soon as possible prior to the scheduled meeting.

Meeting Agenda & Support Materials

An agenda and pertinent supportive materials will accompany the meeting notice. Council members will be called upon to assist in developing each agenda.

Council Minutes

Minutes shall be prepared for each meeting and disseminated in a timely manner to all Council members.

Staff Support

A staff support person shall be provided by the Office of the Provost.

Amendments to this Charter

Should any amendment to this Charter be required between scheduled annual reviews, the Council Chair will consult the membership in deriving amendments agreeable to all parties. The amended Charter shall be completed, signed, and issued with all possible haste.

University Tenure Committee

University Level Standing Committee.  The Charter shall be reviewed annually in September by the Provost for determination of continued need and, if continued, necessary revisions or updates of the Charter.


  1. Review and advise upon the specific recommendations from each college of faculty proposed for tenure.
  2. Periodically review and advise upon University-wide criteria for tenure against which recommendations from the various colleges can be judged.
  3. When requested, judge referred problems or questions regarding faculty rank.
  4. Always act in an advisory capacity to the Provost.


All members shall be appointed in writing by the Provost.Total membership consists of 13 tenured faculty with at least one member from the College of Medicine, College of Dental Medicine, College of Health Professions, College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy and Basic Sciences.

Ex Officio Member



Provost shall act as Chair without vote, except in case of a tie. A temporary chair may be appointed in writing by the Provost.

Materials for Tenure Application

Checklist (PDF)

Academic Deans Council

This is a university-standing committee.


Deans of the six colleges