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Student Achievement

SACS accredited graph showing percentage of students who graduate within 150% of published program length. Target is 90%. Results were 94% in 2020, 92% in 2021, 90% in 2022, 92% in 2023, and 91% in 2024.

SACs accredited graph showing percentage of students that pass licensing exams on first attempt. Target is 90%. Results were 94% in 2020, 92% in 2021, 88% in 2022, and 89% in 2023.

SACS accredited graph showing the percentage of faculty rated by students as effective teachers. 

The following graphs highlight data from MUSC's bi-annual Student Satisfaction Survey. The next survey will be administered in 2025.

SACS accredited graph showing percentage of graduating students with employment secured or optimistic about offers to come. Target for 2023 was 80%. Percentage achieved for 2023 was 89%.

SACS accredited graph showing that in 2023, 67% of graduating students agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with student support services at MUSC, 72% would recommend MUSC to a prospective student, and 83% felt they received a high quality education at MUSC. The target for all measures was 80%.