ARROW Career Development Program

The 2025 application process is closed. The call for applications for the 2026 2-day CDP will open in Fall 2025.


In 2013, ARROW implemented a Career Development Program (CDP), an intensive two-day program modeled after the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) early- and mid-career development programs. The full two-day program was held in 2013 and 2014, and will be held every other year moving forward. Beginning in 2015 a half-day promotion focused program was held specifically designed to help women faculty prepare their promotion package. This ½ day program will be offered every other year, alternating with the two-day program. Men faculty were included beginning with the 2018 2-day program.

AAMC CDP implementation slides.

Program Description

Annual intensive professional development workshop designed to support the advancement of women faculty across all missions and colleges of MUSC. The CDP offers participants a variety of workshops on topics including but not limited to negotiating skills, work-life balance, leadership skills, and time management. The program also includes plenary talks on the promotions process, followed by small group break-out sessions for one-on-one consultations with senior faculty from the participant’s college and track.


The program is offered in the spring and is free of charge to MUSC faculty.

Who is Eligible

All early and mid-career (Instructors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors) faculty across the university are eligible to attend. Applicants may self-nominate with chair approval or department/division chairs may nominate faculty.