Faculty Ombuds

The MUSC Faculty Ombuds provides a free, impartial, and confidential service to faculty and postdoctoral trainees seeking resolution for workplace concerns. Acting as a neutral resource, the Ombuds offers informal guidance, helps navigate university policies, and supports individuals and groups in addressing challenging situations without escalating conflicts.

Beyond assisting with individual concerns, the Ombuds serves as a listening post for systemic issues, bringing them to the university’s attention when necessary. The office upholds the ethical standards established by the International Ombuds Association, adhering to these core principles:

  • Independence: Operating autonomously within the institution.
  • Impartiality: Providing fair and unbiased support.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring privacy in all consultations.
  • Informality: Offering guidance outside of formal grievance procedures.

By fostering a supportive and constructive environment, the Faculty Ombuds enhances the effectiveness of MUSC’s programs, services, and overall workplace culture.

Faculty Ombuds Brochure

Discover impartial, confidential assistance for resolving faculty concerns and disputes at MUSC.​

How the Ombuds Can Support You

The Ombuds may be a good option for you if you:

  • are looking for a safe space to discuss a problem
  • are seeking help in thinking through a concern
  • need a fresh, impartial listener
  • want an informal, non-escalating approach
  • are unsure who to talk to or where to go for help
  • want to discuss options and resources for a particular concern
  • want help in communicating with others (e.g. committee, supervisor, chair, division director, co-workers, employee, student, etc.)

Limitations of the Ombuds Office

  • assist a faculty member who has pursued formal pathways (e.g., grievance or lawsuit) serve as a witness
  • keep identifying records of visitors or their concerns
  • advocate for either side in a dispute
  • breach confidentiality (excepts: situations of child abuse or neglect; concern of harm to self or others; or if ordered by a court of law)
  • conduct formal investigations
  • make decisions or file complaints
  • participate in formal processes such as performance evaluations
  • give legal advice

Understanding the Role of the Faculty Ombuds Office

The Faculty Ombuds Office practices in accordance with the International Ombuds Association Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.  Principles of confidentiality, impartiality, independence, and informality are essential to the mission and function of the office.

  1. The office is a voluntary resource. Those who consult the office will be understood to have agreed to respect and abide by the International Ombuds Association Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics and will not ask the Ombuds to testify with respect to confidential communications in formal or legal proceedings.
  2. When responding to inquiries or making appointment with visitors, the administrative assistant will ask if the caller wishes to leave a first name and/or private phone number at which he or she may be reached. Callers are not required to leave either. Written phone messages are shredded promptly.
  3. Any notes that may be created by the Ombuds are temporary. They are personal working notes used only to clarify visitor concerns and are not preserved for any reason. These notes are shredded routinely and promptly.
  4. Communication with the office is considered confidential and off-the-record. Thus, the office does not retain case records.
  5. Visitor appointments in the electronic calendars for the Faculty Ombuds Office will be labeled discreetly. 
  6. De-identified statistical data are retained for the office’s annual report.
  7. The Ombuds and the administrative assistant will take other steps as appropriate and necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the office operations.

Common Issues Addressed by the Ombuds

  • Career Management: Promotion; performance management; end of appointment; layoff; reorganization; uncollegial environment; overwork; compensation; benefits
  • Work Relationships: Conflict with colleague, manager, or advisor; difficult staff; inappropriate or disrespectful behavior; abuse of power; bullying
  • Research Concerns: Authorship; unethical behavior; research misconduct; conflict of interest; time commitment; compliance
  • Policies & Requirements: Academic and employment guidelines; disciplinary process and rulings; grievance and complaint procedures
  • Illness & Disability: Disability services; accommodation requests; disability plans; leave options; internal and outside resources
  • Sexual Harrassment & Discrimination: Unwelcome, inappropriate behavior; inappropriate relationships
  • Other Concerns: Parking; housing; university services; financial aid; community safety

Frequently Asked Questions