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Program/Unit Assessment

Each academic program, administrative unit, community service program, research support unit, and student support unit has an annual assessment plan with stated outcomes, metrics, and targets, which is centrally maintained in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE). While data collection and review occur annually for each program, in every third year of a four year assessment cycle, unit leaders, program directors, and university administration conduct a comprehensive review of outcomes and document how data are used to make changes to improve outcomes. 

Image describes the assessment cycle.

Institutional Surveys

OIE is integrally involved in institutional surveys relevant to the University. OIE is the primary resource for ensuring the accurate administration of the annual employee engagement survey. These results help university leaders identify strengths and areas for improvement in employee satisfaction and assess progress in cultivating a supportive and innovative environment.

OIE administers, analyzes, and reports the results from the annual student satisfaction survey. This survey captures students' feedback on the quality of their experience and the learning environment in general (including student support services). University leaders rely on this information to know how to best allocate resources and focus attention to ensure that MUSC is continually improving in its commitment to serve its students.

Image shows the annual schedule of assessment.