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Peer Institutions

As an academic health science center, MUSC has a unique pool of potential institutions to serve as peers for our academic enterprise. An analysis of data on four key performance indicators was used to identify appropriate peer institutions who are similar to MUSC: (1) percentile rank (3 year average) in research and development expenditures from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics database; (2) ranking (3 year average) based on NIH award amounts; (3) most recent annual student enrollment (IPEDS data); and (4) number of colleges in common with MUSC's six colleges. This analysis (conducted 2024) revealed the institutions below as appropriate peers. Aspirational peers were identified based on the same criteria with emphasis on strong performance on the research metrics. Peer institutions and aspirational peers can be used to provide comparator data and external benchmarks for our academic, student support, administrative, and research units.


University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Oregon Health & Science University

Aspirational Peers

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
University of California, San Francisco