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ARROW External Research Grant Review Program

The ARROW initiative offers this service to women scientists in the College of Medicine which arranges for and provides a stipend to an expert in your field of study (outside of MUSC) to complete an NIH style in-depth review of your research grant application. This includes all types of external research grant mechanisms: NIH, VA, DOD, Foundation, etc. To take advantage of this program, please submit a request for external review by filling out the form below at least 6 to 8 weeks prior to application submission deadline. Once your request has been approved, you will be asked to submit the following:

  • A completed “science portion” (including Specific Aims, Research Plan, Literature Cited, Abstract/Narrative) of the grant application at least 4 weeks prior to application submission deadline.
  • If the application is a resubmission you will also need to provide the summary statement from the previous submission and the Introduction addressing reviewers’ concerns.
  • A copy of the grant application instructions PA/RFA announcement
  • A copy of your biosketch
  • The names and correct email addresses of 2 to 3 experts in your field (outside of MUSC) as potential reviewers.

**We encourage you to request external review and submit your application as early as possible to allow sufficient time for us to make arrangements with an external reviewer, for the external reviewer to provide a thorough review, and for you to revise your application prior to the grant application deadline.

In order to evaluate our program, you will be required to complete a brief satisfaction survey upon completion.

For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact

Support for this program is provided by the College of Medicine Dean’s Office.

With area code. No dashes.