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Suicide Prevention Protocol

At the Medical University of South Carolina, we prioritize the mental health and well-being of our students. This protocol provides essential information and resources for faculty, staff, and students to help students obtain the support and services necessary for a safe, secure, and successful academic experience.

What to Do if You are Concerned about a Student’s Safety

If you are worried that a student may be considering self-harm or suicide, it's crucial to act immediately. Your response can save a life. Here’s how you can help.

  1. If a student appears to be in imminent danger of harming themself
    • Call Public Safety at 843-792-4196 if the student is on campus.
    • Call 911 if the student is off campus.

    Emergency responders will attempt to locate the student and transport them to emergency services.

  2. If a student threatens suicide (verbal or written), or evidence of recent superficial wounds is observed, and the degree of imminent danger is unclear.
    • Call Public Safety at 843-792-4196 if the student is on campus.
    • Call 911 if the student is off campus.
    • Submit a form to BSIT. Referrals are reviewed during regular business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays.
    • Call CAPS for advice at 843-792-4930 if it is a weekday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

    Emergency responders may attempt to conduct a well-check on the student.

Warning Signs of Suicide

It is important to respond immediately to concerns about suicidality. 75% of those attempting suicide considered it for less than 1 hour before their attempt. 1 in 4 deliberated less than 5 minutes before attempting.

Every complaint or reference to suicide should be taken very seriously. It is essential to be supportive and avoid being judgmental or argumentative about moral or religious issues regarding suicide.

These signs may be clear or subtle and may or may not predict suicidal behavior:

  • Talking about feeling hopeless or trapped
  • Withdrawing or isolating
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
  • Sleeping little or too much
  • Previous attempts of suicide
  • Significant loss (relationship, physical impairment, failure)
  • If the student has firearms
  • If the student is intoxicated
  • Alcohol or drug abuse: Alcohol and some drugs can result in a loss of inhibition, may increase impulsive behavior, can lead to changes in the brain that result in depression over time and can be disruptive to relationships, resulting in alienation and a loss of social connection. If a person cannot say "no" to a drug or control the amount used, there is a substance abuse problem.
  • Use all caps, comments indicating distress in online discussion boards, chats, or social media

Signs of Imminent Danger

  • Self-injurious behaviors
  • Ingesting substance(s) of which the amount and effects are uncertain.
  • Destruction of property
  • Talking openly about wanting to harm or threatening to harm themself, including social media posts, online discussion boards, or chats.
  • Suicide plan
  • Detailed threats of lethal violence
  • Leaving goodbye messages
  • Giving away possessions

Myths about Suicide

Understanding and debunking common myths about suicide is crucial for creating a supportive environment. Misconceptions can prevent individuals from seeking help or supporting those in need. Below are some common myths and the facts that counter them.

Myth: Suicide occurs without warning.
Fact: Most people make some statement or some indication that they have a suicide plan.

Myth: If you ask or talk about suicide, you might plant the idea, so don't.
Fact: Discussing suicide does not increase the likelihood that they will commit suicide. If you are willing to discuss suicide, it can lead to a person being more open about their thoughts and willingness to seek help.

Myth: Having a suicide in the family does not affect a person’s risk of suicide.
Fact: Having a suicide in the family results in a two times higher risk of completing suicide.

Myth: Suicides increase over the holidays.
Fact: Suicides can happen anytime. While the holidays can be difficult for people, they are often around more people during the holidays, which can be a protective factor.

By dispelling these myths, we can foster a more informed and supportive community that encourages open discussions about mental health and suicide prevention.

Intervention Team Members

Any team members listed below can provide resources for the student of concern.

Team Member Phone Number
BSIT Chairperson 843-792-0686
Director, Counseling and Psychological Services 843-792-4930
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, College of Medicine 843-792-2081
Associate Professor and Director of Education, College of Dental Medicine 843-792-3928
Associate Professor, College of Nursing 843-792-1866
Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy 843-792-2888
Professor, College of Graduate Studies 843-792-0624
Associate Dean for Academic & Faculty Affairs, College of Health Professions 843-792-2239
Public Safety 843-792-6207