Marked Changes in Academic Performance or Behavior
- Excessive absences or tardiness
- Repeated requests for special consideration, especially when this represents a change from previous functioning
- Inability to concentrate
- Significant decrease in academic performance
- Unusual or changed pattern of behavior
- Avoiding participation or sudden withdrawal from others
- Dominating discussions
- Excessively anxious when called upon
- Disruptive, verbally aggressive or physically aggressive behavior
- Exaggerated emotional responses
- Easily agitated
References to Suicide, Homicide, or Death
- Talk of helplessness, hopelessness, or despair
- References to suicidal thoughts and feelings, verbally or in written assignments
- Jokes publicly about killing him/herself
- Suddenly withdrawing from organizations or clubs
- Giving away possessions
- Preoccupation with death
- Preoccupation with violent acts
- Homicidal threats
Unusual Behavior or Appearance
- Marked change in mood, motor activity, speech
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
- Hyperactivity or very rapid speech
- Sleeping in class
- Swollen, red eyes or bloodshot eyes
- Slurred speech
- Strange or bizarre behavior indicating loss of contact with reality
- Change in personal hygiene or dress
- Speech that is disjointed, tangential, fragmented or not based in reality
- Appears sad or exhausted