About BSIT

Submit a Concern

If there are concerns regarding a student’s own safety or the safety of others, please submit a form to BSIT.

Behavioral  Support Intervention Team (BSIT)

The Medical University of South Carolina is committed to ensuring a positive and safe environment four our students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors.  To this end, the Associate Provost for Education and Student Life established the MUSC Behavioral Support and Intervention Team (BSIT).  The purpose of this team is to provide supportive and proactive intervention for students who are experiencing problems, which may affect their safety and/or the safety of others.  Members of the BSIT work in collaboration with the six colleges and appropriate MUSC offices including public safety, risk management, student services, legal services, and the Associate Provost.

The BSIT seeks to eliminate the “information silos” that exist on college campuses.  Sharing information (rather than keeping information “siloed” within specific departments) allows us to reach students who are in distress much sooner.  With one central location available to express concerns, the scope of assistance and the follow-up care that may be necessary can be greatly expanded for our students.

The goals of MUSC’s BSIT include the following: (1) preventing crises before they occur through the provision of outreach and educational programming, consultation, appropriate assessment, and referrals; (2) ensuring that students whose behavior is of concern are contacted through follow-up processes and have access to the appropriate services so that they have the opportunity to improve their welfare; and (3) creating a unified reporting and tracking system that will allow members of the BSIT to observe patterns of behavior that may elicit assessment and to provide a documented response to distressed students.  For more details concerning the Mission and Purpose of MUSC’s BSIT please visit the MUSC BSIT Protocol.

To make a report or inquire about BSIT resources contact either the BSIT Chairperson or another BSIT member:

Dr. Sharlene Wedin

BSIT Chair

Sharlene Wedin, PsyD, ABPP

Damian Millet

Administrative and Clinical Coordinator

Damian Millet, BSN, RN-BC

Dr. Lindsey Hamill

College of Dental Medicine

Jeffrey S. Kirk, DDS

Dr. Jessica Harman

College of Graduate Studies

Jessica Hartman, PhD

Dr. Nancy Carson

College of Health Professions

Nancy Carson, PhD, FAOTA, OTR/L

Dr. Myra Haney Singleton

College of Medicine

Myra Haney Singleton, EdD

Dr. Joy Laurer

College of Nursing

Jessica Williams, MA

Dr. Elizabeth Weed

College of Pharmacy

Elizabeth Weed, LISW-CP, PharmD, BCPP

Erica Bligen, Executive Director of Office of Student Engagement

Office of Student Engagement

Erica Bligen, M.Ed.

Public Safety

Patrick Kelly

Legal Counsel

Vivian Fairbairn, JD - advisory