students walking on campus

Allocations for Student Organizations

The Student Government Association (SGA) sets aside a specific amount of money each year, the SGA Allocations Fund, to help support particular university-wide events/programs planned by MUSC student organizations. The process of applying for and potentially receiving these funds is as follows...


  • SGA Allocations Fund will be allocated based on the timing and merits of each request.
  • Requests for SGA funding of an event must be made with at least two regularly scheduled SGA meetings between the submission of the “SGA Allocations Request Form” and the event.
  • Requests must be submitted via the SGA Allocations Request Form.  The event for which funds are requested must be described in detail along with an explanation of how the event will pertain to, and benefit, both the student organization and the MUSC student body.  Per the SGA Allocations Request Form, a complete itemization of all related expenses and anticipated funding sources should be stated.
  • Any questions should be emailed to Chase Hudson, the Vice President of Academics, at
  • Depending upon the amount and nature of the request, it will either be voted upon by the executive officers at the Executive Officer meeting on the Monday prior to a full body SGA meeting or by the larger SGA body on the next Wednesday when a full body SGA meeting is scheduled.
  • A representative(s) of the organization should be prepared to present and answer any questions at the Executive Officer meeting and/or the full body SGA meeting if requested.
  • If funding is approved, plan for a minimum of (2) weeks after a decision is rendered for the funds to be dispersed to your organization. An Executive Officer will connect the organization with a Student Engagement staff member to facilitate the issuing of funds according to the MUSC procurement policies.
  • Within (2) weeks of the completion of the event for which SGA funds were received, a comprehensive Expense Report must be submitted to Chase Hudson,  Click here to download the Expense Report form (XLS).
  • If the event involves the service of alcohol, MUSC’s Policy for Student Alcoholic Beverage Serving must be followed and, accordingly, an Event Request must be completed on Engage under the organizations profile and approved by the college Dean (or their designee) or the Executive Director of Student Engagement.  A copy of the approval must be submitted with the allocation request. 


1) Student organizations may request any amount up to *50% of the total event cost. The SGA may vote to deny the request, approve the request in its full amount or approve an amount less than that which is requested.

*If the event itself is educational in nature (i.e. seminar, workshop, leadership series, etc.), an amount greater than 50% of the total cost may be requested. Additionally, if the SGA is asked and decides to officially co-sponsor the event, rather than simply financially support the event, an amount greater than 50% may be requested. A co-sponsored event means that the requesting student organization and the MUSC SGA would share not only the cost but also the promotion and management of an event.

2) All events or activities supported by SGA funds must be advertised and open to participation by the entire MUSC student body. Furthermore, the participation fee must be the same for all MUSC students.

3) SGA funds cannot be used to make a direct monetary donation, pay dues, or purchase individual memberships to professional organizations.

4) A group may only receive funds once per academic year and no more than two consecutive years.

5) If the event is canceled, the student organization must inform the Executive Committee, who will then decide how to proceed.

6) If the allocation requester is also an SGA representative, they will be able to vote for the Allocations Request.

Questions? Contact Chase Hudson at