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Frequently Asked Questions

What academic programs at MUSC are approved for VA Benefits?
All degree programs at MUSC are approved for Veterans Educational Benefits Programs.

Does MUSC participate in the VA's Yellow Ribbon Program?
No, MUSC does not participate in this program offered by the VA.

What are the current benefit rates?
Rate tables can be found at the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs at 

What do I do if my enrollment changes?
Students are required to report any changes in their enrollment to the Office of Enrollment Management immediately. Schools are required to report, without delay, the enrollment, interruption, and termination of attendance for each person enrolled in an educational assistance program administered by VA.

How long does it take to receive GI Bill payments if I am a new student?
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs requires 6-8 weeks to approve a new application for GI Bill benefits. Once the application is approved, the VA will send you a "Certificate of Eligibility" letter. A copy of this letter must be provided to the MUSC Office of Enrollment Management office before you will begin to receive benefits. Be sure to apply for your VA benefits, as soon as possible to ensure minimal delay.

How long does it take to receive GI Bill payments if I am a returning student?
Once MUSC has submitted your enrollment information, it must be entered into the system by the VA. Because the VA is generally overwhelmed with enrollments at the start of each semester, it could take up to 6 weeks to process an enrollment during those times. Patience is appreciated – the VA will process all of the enrollments in order by the date received. You will generally receive payment within two weeks of verifying your enrollment at the end of the month (or within one week if using Direct Deposit).

How does my school receive my VA benefit payment?
The funds are sent to MUSC via electronic funds transfer.  Upon receipt of the funds, the Bursar's Office applies the funds to your tuition account.

Does MUSC waive fees or tuition for veteran students until they receive their benefits?
Yes, with verification that veteran students are receiving 100% tuition benefits, MUSC Student Accounting will delay the accrual of late fees on their accounts until the funds are received.

When is my school responsible for refunding the VA?
In addition to reporting any changes in enrollment status, schools will be held responsible for refunding payments as appropriate. The following list explains when a school will be responsible for refunding VA:

The student never attended classes for which he/she was certified (regardless of the reason for non-attendance).The student completely withdraws on or before the first day of the term. (If a student reduces, the debt shall be assessed to the student.)The school received a payment for the wrong student.The school received a duplicate payment.The school submitted an amended enrollment certification and reported reduced tuition and fee charges, reduced Yellow Ribbon amount, or both.The student died during the term, or before the start of the term.VA issued payment above the amount certified on the enrollment certification that was used to process the payment (VA data entry error).

All other overpayments will remain the responsibility of the student.

How do I contact the US Dept. of  Veterans Affairs directly?
The VA my be contacted directly online at or by phone at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551)