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MUSC Student Policies and Procedures Related to Drug and Alcohol Use

Student Policy for Substance Abuse

The University prohibits the illegal use or the abusive use of alcohol or other legal drugs on University property or at events that utilize the University’s name. In accordance with state and federal laws, MUSC also strictly prohibits the use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia by any MUSC student. Students are expected to use only those prescription medications that are prescribed for them within the confines of a provider/patient relationship. Students are prohibited from using prescription medications not prescribed for them.

(Students are directed to follow MUSC Board policy and Student Policy for Substance Abuse)

Responsibilities of MUSC

  1. MUSC will make available to students a cost- effective health insurance policy that provides some coverage for the cost of chemical dependency inpatient treatment. For student insurance information, please refer to Student Health.
  2. MUSC will make outpatient alcohol abuse and other drug abuse treatment available through the MUSC Counseling and Psychological Services.

Behavioral Support Intervention Team (BSIT)

The Medical University of South Carolina is committed to ensuring a positive and safe environment for our students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors.  To this end, the Associate Provost for Education and Student Life established the MUSC Behavioral Support and Intervention Team (BSIT).  The purpose of this team is to provide supportive and proactive intervention for students who are experiencing problems, which may affect their safety and/or the safety of others. 

For more details concerning the Mission and Purpose of MUSC’s BSIT please visit the MUSC BSIT Website

Violations of Student Policy for Substance Abuse

An MUSC student who is arrested or charged with a misdemeanor or other crime involving the use, possession, manufacture, sale, or distribution of alcohol or any other drug, is required to report this information to the Dean or the Dean’s designee in his/her college within two university/college business days of the offense. Please refer to the full Arrest Policy in the Student Handbook for guidelines and procedures. The Dean or his/her designee will take whatever action he/she deems appropriate. These actions include, but are not limited to, initiation of an intervention as outlined in Section II.C. (“Treatment”) of this policy, suspension of the student, or dismissal of the student. Students who fail to report violations or charges will also be subject to conditional study, suspension or expulsion should this failure be later discovered. (Student Policy for Substance Abuse: II. Intervention, A.2.)

Participation in alcohol and other drug abuse treatment programs does not confer immunity for the individual from legal prosecution for criminal acts. All records and communications shall be held in the strictest confidence and disclosure made only pursuant to applicable state and federal laws. (Student Policy for Substance Abuse: III. Legal Issues)

The above information is required for compliance with the Higher Education Act, Sec. 120. [20 U.S.C. 1011i) Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention] and the annual Clery Act report.

Reviewed 5/06/2013