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Lactation Pods

Map showing locations of MUSC Mamavana Lactation pods

MUSC has two Mamava lactation pods, which provide private and comfortable spaces to pump or nurse. Each pod is private and secure. There are benches, a space for a stroller, and an outlet to plug in your pump.

MUSC Campus Locations

  • Ashley River Tower (ART) – first-floor lobby
  • Hospital Extension (formerly the MUSC Children’s Hospital) – first-floor lobby

To use the pod

  • Go to the free Mamava app and set up an account.
  • Find the location of the pod you want to use.
  • Confirm that the pod is available. (lower left corner “It’s available.”)
  • Travel to the pod.
  • Click on “Access Pod” (lower right corner)
  • Enter the door code provided.

The app lists thousands of other approved lactation spaces all over the country.

For more information on how to access the pods, please contact Daniela Harris.

Mamavana lactation pods app screengrabs

For more FAQS for Parenting Students and locations of other spaces on campus to express milk check the Title IX webpage.