Honor Council Contact List

WARNING:  If you have questions or concerns, contact your college faculty advisor. Do NOT contact deans, program chairs, program directors, or the provost.  They must remain neutral in order to mitigate any potential bias or procedural error. 

Discussing the case with anyone outside the process can lead to an appeal and/or other action.

Confidentiality is of the utmost importance.

If you or a faculty member has a question about a suspected violation, contact your College’s Faculty Advisor or if they are unavailable, contact any of the faculty advisors listed below.

College Faculty Advisor Email 
College of Dental Medicine Dr. Dalton Wilson  wilsond@musc.edu
College of Graduate Studies Dr. Caroline Westwater westwatc@musc.edu
College of Health Professions Dr. Clint Blankenship blankenc@musc.edu
College of Medicine Dr. John Melville melvillj@musc.edu
College of Nursing Dr. Whitney Smith smithwhit@musc.edu
College of Pharmacy Dr. Joli Fermo fermojd@musc.edu

If you or the faculty member is unable to reach a faculty advisor, contact a university advisor.  (Note:  Please try to work with a college advisor prior to reaching out to a University advisor).

University Advisor Email
Erica Bligen bligene@musc.edu  
Dr. Dante Pelzer  pelzerd@musc.edu

If you or the faculty member is unable to reach a University advisor, contact the Honor Council Student President, Executive Vice President, or your college’s Honor Council Vice President.

College  Student Honor Council Board Member Email
College of Dental Medicine Madeline Baker                                                bakermad@musc.edu
College of Graduate Studies Jaclyn Dunne                                                   dunneja@musc.edu
College of Health Professions Rebecca Jordan                                                 jordareb@musc.edu
College of Medicine Gabi Rauls                                                    rauls@musc.edu
College of Nursing Eddie “Travis” Feagin                                                    feagine@musc.edu
College of Pharmacy Charlie Worrall                                                        worralch@musc.edu
 Honor Council President  Carly Berrios berriosc@musc.edu
Honor Council Executive Vice President Janie Cole                                                  coleja@musc.edu